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Green Beans or Perfect Waves Points?

If you regularly visit us at The Roastery, we hope that you will have had a chance to visit the new on-site cafe from the team behind Owens Coffee: Perfect Waves Café. If you have been directed here by the team, it is probably because you're thinking about exchanging your Green Beans for the café's new loyalty points.

We want you to know that you don't have to exchange your Green Beans!

You can keep them and use them when you shop online here at or when you buy in person from the Owens Coffee shop counter at The Roastery, (available for speedy takeaways when the more leisurely pace you'll find at the Perfect Waves Café doesn't suit you).

However, if you'd like to cash in your Green Beans for Perfect Waves Points, we'll give you 1 Perfect Waves Point for every 5 Green Beans (both of these is the equivalent of £1 spend) and you can then use those Perfect Waves Points when you visit the café. There are four sets of rewards depending on the number of Points you collect. Here's how you can use them: 

Perfect Waves Rewards Levels from Making Waves and a Free Hot Drink to Golden Waves and £10 off a shop in the cafe


To make this exchange, we need some information from you. If you'd like to go ahead, simply complete the form below and we will manually make the changes to your two accounts. 

Please note that this may take up to 5 working days to complete the process. 

