Happy International Women's Day!
Did you know that International Women's Day has been celebrated since 1911?
So, what is the meaning of International Women’s Day?
International Women's Day is a day set aside on the 8th of March every year to acknowledge women's achievements: Social, political, economical and cultural. It is also celebrated to fundraise for female-led charities, as well as raising awareness on gender equality.
Every year, a theme is chosen for International Women's Day and this year the theme is ‘Choose to Challenge’. This theme is about choosing to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality, as well as to celebrate women’s great achievements. The organisers of International Women’s Day are asking us to strike the ‘Choose to Challenge’ pose, with one hand raised high to show commitment to challenging inequality, calling out bias, questioning stereotypes and developing a more inclusive world.

International Women’s Day at the Owens Coffee Roastery
One of our seasonal specialty coffees is the ‘Women's Cooperative’ single origin.

Grown in the Huehuetenango (pronounced “way-way-ten-AN-go”) region of Guatemala, this is where you will find the highest and driest land in the area, thanks to the forgiving dry and warm winds that come from the mountains of the Mexican plains. Coffee is grown here at an altitude of 2,000 meters.
Grown by Female Coffee Smallholder Farmers
The Women’s Cooperative coffee beans are produced and washed by female smallholder farmer members of the ASPROCDEGUA Cooperative.
This coffee provides notes of caramel, praline, berry and citrus.
Ever since she took over the business in 2010, Owens Coffee owner, Lorraine has taken a keen interest in supporting female coffee farmers and workers. What’s more, 2/3 of our team at Owens are ladies!
We love a bit of girl power in the Roastery!
Choosing to Challenge gender inequality in the coffee industry
Depending on the region it is grown in, a huge 70% of labour in coffee production is carried out by women, as well as 20-30% of coffee farms being female-operated.
Despite this, there is evidence of gender inequality in the coffee market in that women have less access to land, credit, finance and information when compared to men. If this is something you have an interest in and you would like to learn more, a report conducted by the International Coffee Organization ‘Gender Equality in the Coffee Sector’ looks at women in the coffee industry and why female support and empowerment in this sector is so important.