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Fairtrade Fortnight is coming! Get Involved…

  • 2 min read

With Fairtrade fortnight 27 February – 12 March looming, we thought it was a good time to have a look at what Fair Trade actually means, why you should get involved and how you can make a difference. At Owens we are really proud to be 100% Fairtrade (and Organic!).

‘The food on our tables, the tea and coffee in our mugs, all from farmers who toil, sweat and slog. However hard they work to provide the things we depend on, millions of farmers in developing countries aren’t paid what they deserve. It’s not a new problem.

We need to amplify the voices of marginalised producers as much as ever in 2017.

When we come together we can change the way people think about trade and the products on our shelves – the Fairtrade movement is made up of ordinary people doing extraordinary things in their communities for Fairtrade. Your actions help shoppers to make choices that change the lives of farmers and workers. Join thousands of others across the UK this Fairtrade Fortnight to help our friends, neighbours, colleagues and communities to put Fairtrade in their break and take exploitation out.’ Fairtrade Foundation

This all adds up to sweeter deals for real people. Through Fairtrade, Emma Georgette, from Cote d’Ivoire in West Africa, learned how to grow more cocoa and earned more money. ‘Last year I bought my first bed…we are really happy’

Here are our top reasons why we should support Fair Trade:

  • Better, fairer prices paid to farmers
  • Decent working conditions for farmers and workers
  • Better for the environment, supports sustainable practices
  • Agreed prices every year means that farmers can count on their income
  • If prices of coffee rise above the minimum agreed price, the farmers get paid the higher price
  • Benefits small-scale farmers and workers, who are amongst the most marginalised groups globally
  • Improves working conditions and supports development farming
  • Your opportunity to connect with the people who grow the produce we all depend on, and make a difference to their lives.

To find out more about the impact story of the Fairtrade Foundation, click here


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